
The Sudden-Death Bout: Murdoch Hill & Frederick Stevenson

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  • The Sudden-Death Bout: Murdoch Hill & Frederick Stevenson

    While gearing up for the 2020 edition of the Young Gun of Wine Awards, we look back at one of the most controversial moments in the 13-year history of the showcase.Over the journey, there have been events of revelation, drama, upheaval, and massive celebration. Falling into the stand-alone category of ‘bombshell victories’ was the outcome of the Winemakers’ Choice award in 2015.

  • Handmade Wine, Inside and Out

    Wine labels usually don’t factor in wine competitions, where blind-tasting rules mean that wines are judged in a vacuum. YGOW is unique because it is not a blind tasting. The quality of the wines, of course, has primacy for the judges, but other factors are allowed into play, including creativity, leadership, the whole wine package….

  • South Australia – killin’ it in the YGOW Awards. But why?

    South Australia has contributed more Young Gun winners than all the other states combined, and by a margin. There’s no question that South Australia has quality regions aplenty, from the cool of Basket Range in the Adelaide Hills to the more traditional stomping grounds of McLaren Vale and the Barossa, but what exactly is it that makes South Australia such a hotspot for young talent?

  • Five Decades of Best’s Pinot Meunier

    With some of Melbourne’s finest palates in attendance, Best’s winemaker Justin Purser was kind enough to guide us through five decades of their ‘Old Vine’ Pinot Meunier. This was a rare chance to see just how well it ages in ideal conditions.

  • Dropping into the Danger Zone

    In the Young Gun of Wine Awards, our Danger Zone trophy goes to the most adventurous wine. It’s an accolade that rewards deliciousness and the spirit of a maker not afraid to colour outside the lines. It’s somewhat fitting then that First Drop Wines have sponsored the award from the start, since 2017. First Drop’s Matt Gant was crowned the inaugural Young Gun, in 2007, with a paradigm-shifting montepulciano that set the scene for the boundless vinous creativity that has fuelled Young Gun of Wine.

  • Winespeak

    Wine has its own language. It can sound quite familiar but still remain somewhat cryptic. While there’s no quick way to impart fluency, unpacking some important terms will help the conversation flow. Here’s a short glossary of some wine terms…

  • Wineslinger 2019 Award winners Announced!

    It’s official. On Monday 28th October, the 2019 Wineslinger Awards were announced at Matilda, in South Yarra. In classic Young Gun of Wine style, the MCs, Nick Stock and Pat Nourse, revealed the winners of the nationwide search for the best wine haunts across Australia right now.

  • Natural Progression

    What is natural wine? Unpack what natural wine is meant to be, and how the firm philosophical foundations of the movement have been muddied by what has become an explosive and often confusing trend. Clear crown-sealed bottle, colourful hand-applied label, orange-hued hazy wine… natural? Not necessarily…

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